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  • Class 2: Service delivery

Class 2: Service delivery

Here you will find information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering and services and information for our service users.


SEPA protects and improves the environment in a number of ways. This includes helping customers to understand and comply with environmental regulations and to realise the many economic benefits of good environmental practice. This approach benefits the environment and the economy, and means we can focus our resources (including our enforcement powers) on tackling the greatest environmental threats. We also provide expert advice on the Scottish environment and deliver a wide range of information, guidance and public information services.

Strategies, policies and internal staff procedures for performing statutory functions. More information on these points are available across our Regulation pages.

Details of how to apply for licences issued by SEPA and electronic copies of applications form can be located at Authorisations and permits and Application forms.

If any concerns arise SEPA can be contacted by telephone or email.

Reports of SEPA's exercise of its statutory functions are contained in our Annual Report and reports made to the Agency Board.

SEPA maintains a Register of waste carriers and brokers. Others can be access at Public Registries.

Fees and charges for performance of SEPA's function e.g., fee for making a planning application. The majority of SEPA's charging schemes are made under powers given in the Environment Act 1995 to charge for environmental licences, and to recover the costs of carrying out SEPA functions. In addition, powers to charge are contained within the relevant regulations, e.g., the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH). The legal schemes provide details of the structure of the scheme and prices at the date the scheme came into force. Copies of the current and past schemes are available.


List of services, including statutory basis for them where applicable:

SEPA is granted accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by the  United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for laboratory and field activities detailed in the current fixed schedule of accreditation.

Following an assessment by UKAS the laboratory also holds a flexible scope of accreditation. This means that SEPA can manage its own internal (flexible) scope of accreditation, assess changes or additions to the existing fixed scope, and report successful determinants as accredited. The process is then assessed annually by UKAS.