Advice for planning authorities
We are currently updating all our guidance to bring it in line with National Planning Framework (NPF4). Guidance issued after 13 February has been updated. Whilst any guidance issued before this date will still contain relevant and useful information, you should be aware that some parts may be out of date. As a result, our planning consultation responses may not match the information set out in this guidance.
How and when to consult SEPA
In response to the recent cyber-attack, we have produced new guidance for planning authorities explaining how we will begin the process of recovery. We will rationalise the backlog as quickly and efficiently as possible, prioritising urgent cases, and identifying areas for more strategic engagement on transformational place making opportunities. Please read the new guidance below.
- Developments that are likely to pose a lower risk to the environment are covered by our Standing advice for development management consultations and Flood risk standing advice
- Flood risk guidance supported by the land use planning background paper on flood risk. A planning information note on proposed development protected by a flood protection scheme explains how we consider development in these areas
- Guidance on assessing the impacts of developments on groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems
- Guidance on assessing the impacts of development on groundwater abstractions
- Sustainable resource use supported by the land use planning background papers on zero waste, heat networks and district heating (and a summarised version of District heating and heat networks), and renewable energy
- Standing advice for forestry and woodland strategies
- Standing advice for planning authorities on Extractive Waste Management Plan Consultations submitted under the Management of Extractive Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2010
- Soils
- Air quality and co-location
- SEPA regulated sites and processes supported by the land use planning background paper on SEPA regulated sites and processes
- Co-location standing advice for planning authorities
- Contaminated Land
- Windfarms
- Hydropower developments
- Assessing risks to water environment associated with burial grounds
- The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process provides an important opportunity to ensure that the potential environmental impacts of the development plan, including those relating to flood risk, are identified and addressed