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Venture Trust Sustainable Growth Agreement

Venture Trust aims to change lives, supporting people who, because of their life experiences, are marginalised, vulnerable and living chaotic lifestyles to build more positive futures. Their innovative personal development programmes combine intensive experiences in Scotland’s wilderness areas with flexible community-based services to enable individuals to unlock their personal, social and employability skills and become more resilient and realise their potential.

Venture Trust (VT) is developing employability opportunities in the form of hosting traineeships within the charity and brokered external work placements hosted by partner agencies in the public business or social enterprise sectors. In conjunction with partners, Venture Trust will enable individuals to experience work, understand the behaviours and skills required to be ready for work, and ultimately sustain employment.

 venture trust


This joint initiative is about developing a strong, sustainable relationship between the two organisations, and potential partners, to help deliver the VT goal to increase the proportion of people achieving and sustaining meaningful employment, education, training or volunteering outcomes which are right for them.

While doing this, both SEPA and VT hope to instil a strong connection with the social and well-being benefits of a healthy environment. The journey may, in the longer term, involve developing bespoke programmes with SEPA, and potentially other partners, with a strong focus on environmental outcomes. We may also explore a longer term goal of supporting and encouraging partnerships in the development of an outdoor semi-permanent base camp.

 For the full details of this Sustainable Growth Agreement, please see the below PDF document.

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Venture Trust SGA - PDF