Marine pen fish farm pre-application process
Flow 1: Marine pen fish farm pre-application process
- Developer submits pre-application proposal to
- SEPA carries out initial screening assessment:
- Organic solids
- Medicines
- Nutrients
- Sea lice (bespoke sea lice screening, if applicable)
- SEPA produces draft screening report
- Developer considers draft screening report
- SEPA publishes draft screening report
- Developer organises local engagement (this considers information on other uses of sea and local knowledge of biodiversity features)
- SEPA finalises and publishes screening report:
- If assessment of organic solid medicine or nutrient discharges required, move to Flow 1.1
- Is baseline information required, move to Flow 1.2
- If further sea lice assessment required, move to Flow 1.3
Flow 1.1: Assessment of organic solid, medicine or nutrient discharges required
- Developer submits calibration and validation data collection method to
- SEPA advises on suitability of proposed method
- Developer collects and submits calibration and validation data
- SEPA reviews and advises if collected data is ok
- Developer undertakes and submits modelling assessment
- SEPA reviews modelling assessment, if ok, prepares modelling summary report and sends to developer
- Developer submits discharge modelling method to
- SEPA advises on suitability of proposed method
Flow 1.2: Baseline information required (mapping of sensitive protected biodiversity; seabed quality; or other uses)
- Developer submits baseline information collection plan to
- SEPA advises on suitability of proposed plan
- Developer collects and submits baseline information
- SEPA reviews collected data and advises if ok
- SEPA prepares baseline summary report and sends to developer
Flow 1.3: Further sea lice assessment required
SEPA undertakes refined modelling assessment:
- Developer submits calibration and validation data collection method to
- SEPA advises on suitability of proposed method
- Developer collects and submits calibration and validation data
- SEPA reviews and advises if collected data is ok
- SEPA undertakes refined modelling assessment
- SEPA prepares sea lice modelling summary report (including the relative risk category, between 1-4) and sends to developer
Or if developer submits refined modelling assessment:
- Developer submits refined modelling method to
- SEPA advises on suitability of proposed method
- Developer collects and submits calibration and validation data
- SEPA reviews and advises if collected data is ok
- Developer submits refined modelling assessment
- SEPA reviews modelling assessment
- SEPA prepares sea lice modelling summary report (including the relative risk category, between 1-4) and sends to developer