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Who is involved with RBMP

River basin management planning requires co-ordination and integration, only achievable by working in partnership. A broad range of stakeholders help to provide a steer on the development, coordination and implementation of projects to improve Scotland’s water environment. The challenge of meeting the targets set in the river basin plans has to be a shared effort for Scottish Government, SEPA, responsible authorities, voluntary groups, businesses and land managers. Responsible authorities were identified by Scottish Ministers to work with SEPA to assist in development and implementation of RBMP.

Responsible Authorities include:

As the RBMP process has developed we have evolved the way we engage to expand the communication network to all interested parties and focus our efforts on delivery. We have combined our stakeholder groups with Flood Risk Management Local Advisory Groups, LAGs who continue to contribute their local knowledge and develop and deliver RBMP in their areas. The national advisory groups now only meet when required.

Fish and Fisheries Advisory Group – provide fisheries advice and information to deliver actions to protect and improve fish populations and fisheries interests.

Diffuse Pollution Management Advisory Group – is a partnership focused on developing actions to reduce rural diffuse pollution.

If you would like to become involved in river basin management planning please email